ADRIAN HEATH - Senior Trainer

Adrian has over 20 years experience working with people to help them achieve more.  He is known for his ability to motivate an audience and provide insights that helps elevate their knowledge and understanding.  Adrian has a strong background in finance and automotive and started his career in the UK working in dealerships providing finance solutions to automotive customers.  Because of his nature he quickly became Sales Manager and delivered training sessions to help people improve their sales performance.

He has graduate and postgraduate qualifications in Business & Finance and Adult Education in Training as well as extensive training with some of the world's most successful executive and leadership coaches. Adrian is also accredited in Human Syntergisitics tools.  In addition to speaking, Adrian is a musician and uses his creativity to write and play music.

Adrian has also designed and delivered a number of sales, financial acumen and customer service programs for banking & finance as well as the Automotive industry. Past Automotive clients include Holden, Hyundai and Mazda.